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Thursday, September 16, 2010


I am guilty of not doing my best in ANU. So what if I get into a good school, it all comes to nil when I don't work hard enough and put in due effort. I felt like I let my parents down and wasted their hard earned money.

Oh well, no point regretting now. Just take it as an expensive lesson and work towards a better future =)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tough Week

Sorry for the lack of post last weekend. I'm now going through a very tough week.

I have a
  • 40% test this Thursday at 9.30am (20% completed)
  • 5% quiz this Friday at 9am (0% studied)
  • 50% assignment due this Friday at 5pm (30% completed)
I'm so screwed. I'm now in the midst of studying for my test and rushing for assignment. I forsee myself sleeping minimally in the next few nights.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been binging a lot when I'm under stressed. I found myself gaining a good 5kg! Not very healthy given the short time frame. I tried to control by eating minimally but I found myself eating more subsequently because I felt extremely hungry after, so much so that I was having gastric pain. What is this! >.<

Thus, I've decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle this week by eating healthily. I'm going on a detox plan until this Friday. I realised that I am starting to display allergic symptoms and it's a wake up call to cleanse my body of the junk food that I've eaten in the past 2 months.

This time round, I won't be doing a juice diet as I did previously in Singapore. Read: No Blender. Instead, I'll be following this "7 day detox plan" even though I'll only be doing it for 5 days. I'll be eliminating processed food, red meat, eggs, milk, simple carbohydrates etc. Hopefully, my body will start getting rid of some toxic and react better to my allergic symptoms. I'll be happier if I can lose some weight. Hahs.

For a start, I ate organic muesli + organic raisins + organic yoghurt + granny smith apple + mixed nuts + pure honey for breakfast. I'd better adhere to this diet for the next couple of days.

Okays, back to 'crazy mode'. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can pass this week smoothly, be able to score Distinction average for my assignments and tests and remain strong (physically, mentally and emotionally).

Keep me in your prayers.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


All of you hold a very important place in my heart. Each and everyone of you are greatly missed by me. I love you.