"It's amazing how the mechanics of life work where a state of equilibrium is always maintained by gaining some and losing some. There’s never too much or too little of something; it’s a fair bit of everything."
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
State of Equilibrium
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Being Thankful
It was through these series of events that I started to notice people's concerns for me and I learnt to appreciate their acts of love and kindness. My friends and family from Singapore were constantly skyping with me to give me the moral support that I need. My friends in Canberra were physically here for me, making sure that I was coping fine. Even though the odds are overwhelming, I know that I am able to survive through it an emerge as a stronger person because of the ample love and support I get from the people around me. How blessed can I be?
I never used to feel or think in this way. And this statement "Everything happens for a reason" was crap to me.
When met with obstacles in life, I used to question "Why put me through all these shit in life? What did I do to deserve these?" Previously, I used to believe in the Christian faith but at my lowest point in my life, I had doubts. I lost faith. I started to ask "What do you mean by everything happens for a reason? You mean these things happen so that I can suffer in pain?"
Instead of putting in effort to get things back on track, I spent a great deal of time mulling, crying, grumbling, complaining and swearing. In short, I was feeling helpless and angry, all because I chose to be that way. I rarely reflected on what I had done to contribute to that outcome, I always took the easier way out by putting the blame on others. When people around me started to show acts of love and concern, I was oblivious to them, all because I chose to focus on the problems and how much they have screwed my life. Kind words always fell on deaf ears.
Nonetheless, all these changed in recent years, especially after I came to Canberra. I started to mellow down and began searching for directions in life; to know what I was looking for and where I was heading to. I am more thankful than ever, for what I have and with that, I learn how to appreciate the better in life. Though I am still nowhere near perfect but I am no longer the disgruntled little kid I used to be. I guess being away from home and my loved ones has taught me how to see things from another aspect. I may have taken them for granted in the past and this is something I hope will never happen again.
Now, I constantly remind myself to be thankful for whatever I have and I truly do feel that way. I am thankful for receiving a fine education, being well brought up, having food on the table, enjoying the companion of others, basking in love, making good friends, being missed dearly, gaining more knowledge, learning new things, being well received and everything else which I have that made me who I am today.
As I look at the bigger picture and now, everything seems to make sense. If I haven't been through tougher times, I probably would not have learnt how to appreciate the good times now, and I definately will not have gained 'enlightenment' and see things from a different (positive) perspective.
I may not have the best of everything but I am making the best out of everything I have and all that was given to me.
I am starting to love life, I really do.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
This quote started forming at the back of my mind s I saw how an international student tried to negotiate with the lady boss of a restaurant, on behalf of a student association. If only people could be more compassionate, this world will be much better a place to live it. Don't you agree?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sakura Trees
I spotted two cherry blossom/Sakura trees while walking from School of Psychology to Union Court (the center of ANU where most people gather at, due to the eateries, cafes and shops) and it really made my day. I didn't know they were Sakura trees until I saw the flowers (then again, maybe I'm wrong. They could just be another tree with Sakura look alike flowers. Thus correct me if I got the trees wrong). They really made my day.
Looks like Spring is nearing.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Pore Strips
Thus, for the next few months, I will be relying on some DIY and/or organic products. I was getting tired of squeezing my own blackhead and when I found this video, I was ecstatic. No more biore pore pack; I forgot to bring from Singapore and can't seem to find them in Canberra.
I shall try them this weekend, after I've purchased the required ingredients and update you guys on how well it works.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Lunch In School
Thus, I decided to make salad. However, you can't prepare vegetable salad beforehand without compromising on it's quality and taste. If you were to add salad dressing to the vegetables the night before, the vegetable will turn out soft and soggy instead of fresh and crunchy. After much considerations, I decided to make seafood pasta. It's a no brainer dish that can fill my hungry tummy. It's easy to pack into a lunchbox and can be prepared beforehand without losing its quality.
I happily cooked my pasta, add in the right ingredients, pack it nicely into a lunchbox and store it in the fridge. The next morning, in a rush to get to school (as usual), I opened the fridge and swiftly grabbed the first lunch box I see.
During lunch time, I merrily took out my lunch box [Previously I used to skip lunch because eating in school was way too expensive.], only to realise that I took the wrong lunch box. The one I took was filled with leftover butter rice from the day before. Great. So now I have butter rice with no ingredients -.-''
All that hardwork and excitement for nothing. Since I still had classes for the rest of the day, it simply doesn't make sense for me to keep the butter rice in my bag and bring it back to hostel (which is a good 30 minutes bus ride away). Firstly, I've been keeping the container of rice in my bag and walking around with that 'excess weight' for the whole morning. Secondly, I'm starving. Thirdly, the butter rice is probably not going to make it till night. Why would I want to spend so much effort just to bring spoilt butter rice from hostel to school and back to hostel?
So, I decided to get some food to go with my rice. After much deliberation, I went for a big fat sausage that cost me AUD 2.70. Smells good, tasted awesome and goes extremely well with my butter rice!

Monday, August 9, 2010
Singapore's National Day 2010

Anyway, there will be a gathering organised by ANU's Singapore Student's Association to celebrate National Day tonight at Haydon-Alleen Tank. Heard that there will be free food (probably Singapore/Asian style), a mini trivia (games with regards to Singapore. We were told to go read up our social studies textbook -.-'') and screening of the National Day Parade from 6.30pm to 11.00pm. The best part of the games is the goodie bags. They actually shipped 10 real goodie bags that were meant to be given out at National Day Parade, all the way from Singapore to Canberra. I thought that was amazing.
However, I will most likely give it a skip as I've got loads of readings to complete with pressing deadlines to meet. Plus, the event ends a tad too late for me. Sorry Jason, if you happen to read this.
Nonetheless, I'll most probably be catching the National Day Parade on live telecast via NDP 2010 Offcial Website. I guess that's what the most of us intend to do. By the way, this year's theme is Live Our Dreams, Fly Our Flag.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Apparently, one of my neighbours had this small electric heater in between the two beds. One of them accidentally kicked his blanket (while asleep) and it covered the heater, causing his blanket to catch a fire and that set off the fire alarm.
Though I was annoyed by the fact that I had to wake up at some unearthly time to evacuate in the cold, I was thankful for the fire alarm. Imagine what would have happened to my neighbour if the fire alarm didn't ring. Both he and his room mate would have been roasted pigs, and the rest of us would be some roasted half-done steak.
He was in a state of shock when he found out that his blanket had caught fire and felt extremely guilty about having the hall residents standing in cold. He was apologetic for the entire incident. (His room mate was a huge contrast, smiling away throughout the whole episode without even trying to act as though he was apologetic.) I bet it must have been a horrifying experience for him. It could have happened to me. I'm just thankful that he's safe and unhurt.
In my opinion, even though the electric heater heats up easily and is convenient to use, it can be really dangerous; it catches fire extremely easily when there is no ventilation for the heater (Eg. Covering it with a piece of cloth).
Just in case you are wondering about the heater which my roomie and I purchased, you can rest assure about it because we bought an oil heater which I think is relatively safe. Moreover, the heater we got is quite tall in height, thus we will have to master some kung fu skills before we can 'aim' to cover the heater with our blankets during bed time.
Oh, did I mention anything about skipping lecture the next morning? Hahas. I couldn't get back to sleep after I got back to the room; I felt like a piece of frozen pork being thawed.
In the end, I
By the time I dozed off, my alarm went off at 7.50am. When I tried to wake up, my head was spinning and my nose was busy (read: sneeze). How to attend, concentrate and stay awake during lecture in such a state? Plus, I only had that one hour lecture for the entire day. How not to resist the temptation to skip school?
Maybe, I'm just trying to justify and reduce my guilt for skipping lecture.
But ... I really was down with a flu for a good 2-3 days. So ... yeaps! I had a good reason for missing lessons, Right?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Direct Factory Outlet
DFO is like a mall consisting of many small shops selling a wide variety of products, ranging from clothes to shoes to furniture to kitchen utensils to accessories/fashion jewellery to eyewear to stationery supplies. Some of the brands they carry include Roxy, Cotton on (some stuff are really cheap), Supre, Oakleys, Nine West and Diva. Think IMM.
The good thing about it is most of the products at discounted rates and thus we started shopping merrily, something we rarely do in Canberra City (Civic) because the things in Civic are generally more expensive, and the range of products isn't that fantastic.

We shopped from 3pm to 6pm because the shops at DFO closes at 6pm punctually. I bought quite a number of clothes because I brought very few to Australia. As a result of my father's insistence that 'there's no way I can wear summer clothes in winter', I brought 0 shorts, 2 t-shirt and loads of jeans + coat + sweater. What my father didn't know was the fact that there's heater in my hostel, lecture theatres and tutorial rooms. Thus, the room will be too hot for me to wear my coat and/or sweater and I will literally prespire. Luckily my mum and sister left behind 2 t-shirts (which they have worn to Australia) for me. Otherwise, I will have to cook and do household chores in sweater/coat.
At DFO, I found a nice pair of shorts from Cotton On for AUD 5.00 and from now on, I shall wear that instead of jeans to do household chores and cooking.

Somehow the clothes or rather the fashion sense here seems to date back to 10 years ago. It's so difficult to shop for suitable clothes here. These were the rare times when I miss Takashimaya, Ion, Far East and even neighbourhood malls like Lot 1. I couldn't even find the Hugo perfume that I usually use. Oh, and you know what? There's no Starbucks in Canberra (Read the following link for more info about why isn't there Starbucks in Australia's capital.) I miss my Caramel Macchiato!
Sometimes, I wish I was studying in Sydney or Melbourne instead.