My two weeks term break had ended last Sunday. This is the list of things I had been doing during term break:
- Took a 45 minutes plane ride to Melbourne and stayed there for 5 nights. Satisifed a lot of food cravings, walked a lot of streets, seen a lot of buildings with nice architectural designs, had awesome breakfasts, took a tram for the first time in my life, seen wild penguins (there were oh-so-cute) and met up with a friend whom I haven't seen in 8 years. No thanks to Tiger Airways, I spent a good 4 hours at Melbourne domestic airport rotting away. Yes, my plane got delayed but I guess I shouldn't be complaining cause my friends' flight (which was scheduled to fly the next morning) was cancelled. Will post the pictures on my blog when I upload them onto my lappie. Very busy at the moment, studying and preparing for presentation. (Woops! Sign of slacking too much during the holidays.)
- Attempted to diet because I found myself putting on way too much weight. It didn't help that I got 1kg heavier after returning from Melbourne. I chose to ate lesser during meal times but ended up snacking more. What is this!?!?!?! Guess my body is too used to me eating too much. Gotta take baby steps to slowly reduce my food intake. To think I used to struggle with the huge portion of food given at cafes and restaurants in Australia. Now, I can finish the entire plate by myself, even though I still struggle at times. There is no way I am going to let the food go to waste when it cost a whooping $14 on average for each meal.
- Attempt to lose more weight and stay healthier by joining gym. Chose fitness first for their equipment, environment and facilities. I also get to go for free classes such as yoga, pilates, zumba etc. I actually prefer the classes over working out on the machines. I make an attempt to go for as many classes as possibe because it's fun, interactive and interesting. To be honest, the classes can be more tiring and taxing than running on the threadmill; I feel that fats all over my body are 'burning'. Hahas. I have to highlight the fact that I'm not being spendrift (or atas). If I were to filter in costs like locker and what nots, I am going to pay more for the school gym than Fitness First. On top of that, the showers in my school is haywire; it either scalds me badly with super hot water, or freezes me with super cold water. Worse thing is the school toilet does not have heater. The moment I remove my clothes, I can see goosebumps on my skin (partially because I have low tolerance for cold). Bathing is a challenge. Few plus points about Fitness First in Australia includes lower subscription fees than if I were to sign up in Singapore, free access to any Fitness First across Australia (just in case I relocate), free trainer for three sessions (though they have stupid terms and conditions) and I can use the Fitness First gyms when I'm back in Singapore. Cool right?
- Stayed over at my friend's hostel (Val @ Fenner hall) and had loads of fun. We made pasta from scratch, from mixing the flour to rolling the dough to shaping the pasta. After that, we cooked it in aglio olio style with mushrooms. Boy, it was hard work! I doubt I will be doing it anytime soon. We also baked banana cake in cupcake style and it turned out really well, despite the fact that we didn't get some proportions and ingredients right. We did not have all the ingredients we needed and happily substituted with whatever we thought was good. The cake mixture didn't look right but the cupcakes turned out well. At least much better than we had expected. Thank goodness I stopped Val from throwing away the cake mixture when she thought it was going to be a 'gone case'. Just for your info, we were cooking/baking/having fun from 1am to almost 5am in the morning. Haha. Thanks Val for hosting me and doing crazy stuff with me at insane times even when you're sick. Please recover soon, it's been almost a week! *hugs*
- I deactivated my FaceBook account for various reasons which I do not wish to elaborate on my blog. I will most probably activate it again when I'm back in Singapore, depending on how well adapted I am to a life without facebook. I may just be tempted to facebook again in the following days/weeks or I may get so used to a life without FaceBook, I may never want to activate it again. Oh well, see how it goes.
I guess that's all for now. Gotta go prepare for presentation and study for quiz. Shall update when I think of anything else that I have done during the term break. Shall end this post with a picture of myself, just in case you people miss me. I feel so bhb. Hahas!

This picture was taken on mid-autumn festival when I was at Floraide nightfest (I will try to blog about the nightfest soon). I called my granny's place that night because I knew my extended family will be there for dinner. I was so glad to hear their voices, especially Uncle Cal's (though I never told him that).
I even got skyped with my grandparents at night. My granny saw me for the first time since I arrived in Australia and she commented that I look better when I'm fatter. I've no idea if she's speaking the truth or if she's trying to comfort me but I choose to believe the former. Hahas.
Anyway, just in case you guys are wondering, my friends (John + Janelle) and I came to conclude that the moon in Australia is rounder than it is back home in Singapore. Who says 家乡 的月亮 最圆 ?
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